
Episode 15: Walk Like a Zombie

In episode 15 Brittany and Windsor let their hair down and have a venture into some of the history of zombies and let some creative juices flow. Sit back, take a seat, and enjoy as Windsor makes some random alcoholic concoction and pushes Brittany’s buttons.

Episode 14: Herb Baumeister and the victims of Fox Hollow Farm

In this week’s episode, Windsor and Brittany discuss the life and crimes of Herb Baumeister and the subsequent haunting of his home, Fox Hollow Farm.

Episode 13: I Want To Suck Your… wha?

In episode  lucky number 13 of  Thanks, I Hate It Brittany and Windsor discuss VAMPIRES! Join us as we drink something we threw together and talk about vampires in history of the “Vampire of Fresno”. Come and play with us as we count down to Halloween. 

Episode 12: Who You Callin’ A Witch?

In this episode, Brittany and Windsor attempt to unpack the Salem Witch Trials and the Connecticut Witch Trials. The duo additionally talk modern day witch executions and….witch camps? 

Episode 11: Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid

In this week’s episode of, Thanks, I Hate It, Brittany and Windsor discuss cults. Like always you’ll get a background on cults and then you’ll give you some juicy deets about a few of our “favorite” cults. And we’re using “favorite” loosely. (Please note that Brittany and Windsor are aware that they did not Kool-Aid in Jonestown and instead, it was the off brand, Flavor Aid…do not come for us!)

Episode 10: Meet Me At The Crossroads

In episode 10 of Thanks, I Hate It Brittany and Windsor discuss some “alternative” religions.  This episode is also known as the episode where Brittany fell asleep and left Windsor to laugh at her own jokes… nice. 

Special thanks this episode to whiskey on the rocks. Also, we were too tired for OMG I love it this week. 

Episode 9:Yes, I Am Afraid Of The Dark

In this surprise episode of Thanks, I Hate It, Brittany and Windsor bring in the Halloween month by discussing urban legends and a little bit of Criminal Minds, whilst listening to a chorus of snoring for part of it and drinking cheap wine through all of it. Thanks, husband, I hate it. 

Episode 8: When You Know Better Do Better… Becky

In episode eight of Thanks, I Hate It, Brittany and Windsor discuss cultural appropriation versus appreciation in popular culture and Halloween/Dia de Los Muertos whilst in a haze of exhaustion and cheap wine. 

Episode 7: Does this podcast look like one of your lil friends?

Through the lens of bad alcohol and close friendship Brittany and Windsor discuss parenting styles, toxicity in parenting, and their personal parenting accomplishments and total fails! 

Episode 6: Satanism, Hallucinogens, and Two Bestest Boys

In episode 6 of Thanks, I Hate It, Brittany and Windsor discuss the brutal murders of Dr. Charles Scudder and Joesph (Joey) Odom at the Corpsewood Manor and the subsequent hauntings. Buckle up because there’s something new at every turn.

Episode 5: Fuck them kids

In the fifth episode of “Thanks, I Hate It”, Brittany and Windsor discuss the new “normal” for schools during the time of Coronavirus; this includes: schools and Covid disclosure – or a lack thereof, the impact of Covid on subsets of children, and what going back to school looks like for some college students. 

Episode 4: Voting on these hoes

In the fourth episode of “Thanks, I Hate It”, emotions fly high as Brittany and Windsor discuss all of the things that they hate about voting. This includes: the long roads to suffrage,  “one size fits all” reasons for voting,  and felon suffrage. They also discuss swing states and a need for change. Please check your voter registration status and make sure you vote on November 3rd.

Episode 3: Relax David

This week’s episode Thanks, I Hate it takes a break from throwing shade to engage in a once monthly true crime/supernatural episode. During this episode Brittany discusses the disappearance of Joleen Cummings and Windsor tells the tale of the haunting of The Belasco Theater and we’re pretty sure David, himself decided to make his presence known with all of the technical glitches that plagued the making of this episode. 

Episode 2: Another Dad Bites The Dust

Through the lens of alcohol and the lack of sleep, Brittany and Windsor discuss public versus private personas in celebrities and themselves, analyze the walls around some of their faves and former faves, and begin to reconcile their daddy issues (maybe). 

Song at the end: Vibrators are a girl’s best friend: is the work of the incomparable Sarah Hester Ross or @Sarahesterross on TikTok

Episode 1:  We The People Of The Internet

In the inaugural episode of Thanks, I hate it!, hosts Brittany and Windsor define fandom and discuss toxicity -que System of the Down, all through the lens of alcohol and former fangirls in recovery.  *Audio Discretion is advised.*